ADORABLE Animals That Are Actually DANGEROUS

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Many of us have fond memories of playing with cute animals like playing fetch with an enthusiastic puppy or petting the silky chin of a kitten. We tend to assume that the adorable animals of our planet are friendly, inviting beings, but don't let their cute attributes fool you. Not all of these cute animals are as they seem. Some are so dangerous they’ll send you running. And some of these animals, in fact, are downright deadly. Let’s take a look into the hidden secrets of these dangerously, cute animals.

Tasmanian Devil
Tasmania is home to diverse flora and fauna. It’s also home to the Tasmanian devil. Similar in size to your pet beagle, the Tasmanian devil is an adorable marsupial that shouldn’t be messed with. They have the strongest bite in the world for an animal about its size. They owe it all to their impressive jaw. They’re carnivorous too. In fact, they are the largest carnivorous marsupials in the world. And their continuously growing teeth can even break down the bones of its prey. Which means, if they were to bite you, you’d have a difficult time prying their jaws open. Tasmanian devils are even dangerous to themselves. During feeding, they bite each other’s faces causing the rapid spread of cancer called Devil Facial Tumor disease amongst their species and ultimately causing their own demise and species endangerment.


They carry a rodent plague that can infect you and man’s best friend. Cats are even more at risk than dogs though. There have even been people who were reported to have died from catching this highly-contagious disease. It’s best to keep you and your pets away to prevent infection.

the creatures carry ringworm, salmonella, and other scary diseases you probably don’t want to be associated with.

If you’ve ever wanted to visit Australia, you may have wanted to see the country’s cuddly marsupial, the Koala. Known for its status as a cute, tree-hugger, many people flock to see these creatures in person. However, these cuddly looking animals are far from peaceful. Their cuddly disposition is actually just a way of regulating temperature. What’s more is that these animals can be very aggressive, even when you might be trying to help them. There are countless stories of people being bitten, scratched, and mauled by Koalas. Their sharp teeth and claws are nothing to joke about. And if you’re unfortunate enough to encounter a Koala’s urine, you might just contract chlamydia. That’s right. These seemingly-lovable marsupials are at high risk for chlamydia which can be transferred to humans through contact with their urine.


The Jerboa, an African rodent, looks very similar to the cute hamster, but you won’t want one of these darlings in your house. While the Jerboa may look like another friendly hamster, they are illegal to keep as pets, and for good reason. These furry rodents carry a disease called monkeypox.

Giant Anteater
If you’ve ever had a bad ant or termite infestation in your house, you may have been tempted to recruit one of these cute, not-so-little animals to help out. The giant anteater, at six feet long (about 180cm), and as heavy as an adult kangaroo, is a formidable opponent to your ant problems. After all, they eat 30,000 ants per day.

The endless stretch of the Australian Outback is teeming with wondrous wildlife. Amongst them is the endearing, pouched animal beloved by the people of Australia and all over the globe.
They are the Kangaroos, and they are the national animal of Australia.

Honey Badger

Kayan Loris AKA Slow Loris
Kayan Loris, also known as the Slow Loris, is a friendly, inviting primate. Some people mistake their cute features and occasionally passive reactions to mean they are suitable pets. This, however, couldn’t be further from the truth, because their cute exterior is just a dangerous facade. This lemur-like cutie could kill you for coming too close. Living deep in the Borneo jungles, the Slow Loris is the only venomous primate of its kind. One bite from this deadly animal will send you into anaphylactic shock, slowly suffocating you. Without treatment, their venom can be deadly. The Kayan Loris is definitely better suited for the wild than for inside the home.

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