Easter IV Worship, 5/3/20, FCUCC Asheville

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Easter IV Worship at First Congregational UCC, Asheville, NC, Sunday, May 3, 2020. To view the bulletin for this service, visit this link: https://mcusercontent.com/b915cc893cc8c5afd7e04fdff/files/90be91b0-ffcd-42f8-940b-4e5f09fee677/050320_Bulletin.pdf

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Worship led by Rev. Kim Buchanan, Youth Director Andrew Hoots, Music Director Marika Straw, and Liturgist Carol Austin-Janssen. Vocal solos by Chelsey Gaddy Mirheli. Video editing by Marika Straw and Kim Buchanan. Personal photos and videos used with permission.

Prelude: Sabbath, by Marika Straw
Opening Hymn: Won’t You Let Me Be Your Servant, SERVANT SONG
Anthem: Here I Am, by Dolly Parton, sung by Chelsey Gaddy Mirheli
Psalm 23, from the New Century Hymnal
Song: Let Us Break Bread Together, LET US BREAK BREAD, sung by Chelsey Gaddy Mirheli
Closing Hymn: I Come with Joy, DOVE OF PEACE
Postlude: Friend, by Marika Straw

All hymns are licensed for use, including online use such as streaming, by OneLicense.net license # A-715609.

"Here I Am" is licensed for interactive streaming by the Harry Fox agency, license number 1441795858.
Dolly Parton
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