Synopsis: After a group of powerful mutant vampires try to destroy the human race as well as other vampires around the world, a superhero named Blade (played by Wesley Snipes) once again acts to prevent this great catastrophe.
About the movie:
Blade 2 is an action, fantasy and horror film produced in 2002 in the United States and Germany, directed by Guillermo del Toro, produced and released by New Line Cinema. The film was also written by Maro Wolfman and Jenny Colan, and stars Wesley Snipes, Leonor Varla, Chris Christofferson, Norman Reeds, Ron Perlman, Luke Gus, Danny Yen, Matt Klaus, Thomas Kretschman, Danny John-Jules, and others. They have played a role. Also based on the Marvel comic book superhero of the same name, the second installment in the Blade series, it premiered in the United States on March 22, 2002, grossing approximately $ 155 million worldwide. Find.
the Movie the Movie 2 Blade II 2002
Kris Kristofferson, Wesley Snipes, Ron Perlman
Genre: Action | Adventure | Science Fiction
Product Country: USA and Germany
Year of publication: 2002
About the movie:
Blade 2 is an action, fantasy and horror film produced in 2002 in the United States and Germany, directed by Guillermo del Toro, produced and released by New Line Cinema. The film was also written by Maro Wolfman and Jenny Colan, and stars Wesley Snipes, Leonor Varla, Chris Christofferson, Norman Reeds, Ron Perlman, Luke Gus, Danny Yen, Matt Klaus, Thomas Kretschman, Danny John-Jules, and others. They have played a role. Also based on the Marvel comic book superhero of the same name, the second installment in the Blade series, it premiered in the United States on March 22, 2002, grossing approximately $ 155 million worldwide. Find.
the Movie the Movie 2 Blade II 2002
Kris Kristofferson, Wesley Snipes, Ron Perlman
Genre: Action | Adventure | Science Fiction
Product Country: USA and Germany
Year of publication: 2002
- Category
- Kris Kristofferson
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